What to eat after training, what to eat before training, is it good to eat during training... these are all common questions among those who start practicing sport regularly or even among those who have been practicing it for years. And it's not a silly question, if there's one thing we've made clear at PeachFit Sportswear from day one, it's the importance of food for our bodies. Whether it is because we want to lose weight, tone our body or gain muscle, diet is essential to achieve these goals. Many people try to practice exercise leaving aside a proper diet, and that can only lead to two results: either not achieving what is proposed or achieving it with much more sacrifice and time than necessary.
First of all, it is necessary to say that there is no magic recipe about what diet is necessary after exercising. This is understandable, since it will not be the same depending on the time at which the exercise is performed, the type of activity that is done or the final objective of our training. Do you want to know what to eat after training? In this article we will explain it to you, differentiating between each type of training and its objectives. Do not miss it!
If your goal when exercising is to lose weight and lose weight, the answer is easier. It is best not to eat anything just before or just after training. In fact, this is one of the main mistakes that many beginners make in their first months of training.
If someone who is overweight starts playing sports to lose kilos, the goal should be to deplete glycogen stores and start burning fat. That is why if after training you drink isotonic drinks -which contain sugar- or other caloric foods, much effectiveness is reduced from the work done in the gym.
Just because you shouldn't eat before or after training doesn't mean you shouldn't eat. In fact, poor intake is another of the main problems that are often seen when trying to lose weight. A balanced diet should be followed, complete and adjusted to the needs of each one. On the other hand, water is essential to avoid dehydration. Staying hydrated during and after exercise is very important to prevent health problems that can be serious.
For those who want to gain muscle mass or tone up, who are not looking to lose weight, the story is different, since their nutritional needs are different. In this case, eating after training is necessary, but not just eating anything, rather we must opt for a set of foods that help us replenish our strength and improve the recovery of glycogen stores. This is especially necessary for those people who practice sports activities more than once a day.
In these cases, we must eat carbohydrates, since in the first session we will have exhausted the reserves that our body had. In any case, not all carbohydrates are equally effective, in the same way that not all foods will have the same effect on our body.
In the next section we will explain what are the best foods to eat after training, the most suitable to eat after playing sports.
The banana is a very interesting option for those who want to tone their muscles, since it combines different types of carbohydrates. The carbohydrate ratio of bananas is higher than that of other fruits, and it is also an excellent option both before and after exercising.
After having exercised, it is not only important to replenish the carbohydrates that we have consumed, but we must also consume proteins. To consume them, nothing beats the egg. Eggs are super versatile products, with a moderate caloric level, cheap and with a high biological value protein supply.
We must bear in mind that protein is basic for muscle mass and that, in addition, we lose it with age. That is why protein intake is so important among athletes who want muscle, but also for older people and, above all, women. Protein is not only essential after exercise, but we should include it in all meals.
This is another of the foods with a high amount of protein, but in addition to this, it also provides us with probiotics and calcium. The best way to consume them is accompanying them with carbohydrates, for example, some oatmeal. In this way we will get a perfect food to recover after training. Yogurts provide us with animal protein, which our body assimilates better than vegetable protein, something that adds another point to include it in our post-workout diet.
But not all yogurts are good or give us the same. The recommended ones are yogurts without added sugars and whole. The sugary ones have a very high amount of sugar, something that we must avoid, and the skimmed ones may not satisfy us and end up making us eat more. The best option is always the whole natural.
Legumes provide us with both carbohydrates and proteins, something that makes them a complete food to take after exercising. Perhaps the main problem is the way of eating them, since they are traditionally part of spoon dishes and we are not used to eating them as a snack. A simple and very effective solution that has been gaining popularity in recent years is to make it in the form of hummus, a kind of puree. In this way we can eat them comfortably, effectively and deliciously. A very effective dish at a nutritional level that, in addition, is very satiating and will prevent us from eating refined products.
Tuna is another of the perfect protein-rich foods to eat after training. In addition, if we combine it with rice, we will also add carbohydrates to our intake. One thing to keep in mind is that tuna is one of the fish that can have higher mercury levels, so, like any other food, it is not recommended to abuse it.
If we follow a healthy and balanced diet, with the recommended daily intakes and a complete nutritional intake, it is not necessary to take anything specifically before training. With 5 daily servings, it will never be long after the last meal, so our body will be in perfect condition to perform.
Even in morning workouts, if we have made a nutritious and nutritionally complete dinner, we can train with little or nothing in the body. Obviously, this depends on each person. There are those who feel better eating something before training and those who prefer not to, so, in the end, the sensations of each one should be the ones that prevail when deciding whether to eat something before training or not.
First of all, it is necessary to say that there is no magic recipe about what diet is necessary after exercising. This is understandable, since it will not be the same depending on the time at which the exercise is performed, the type of activity that is done or the final objective of our training. Do you want to know what to eat after training? In this article we will explain it to you, differentiating between each type of training and its objectives. Do not miss it!
If your goal when exercising is to lose weight and lose weight, the answer is easier. It is best not to eat anything just before or just after training. In fact, this is one of the main mistakes that many beginners make in their first months of training.
If someone who is overweight starts playing sports to lose kilos, the goal should be to deplete glycogen stores and start burning fat. That is why if after training you drink isotonic drinks -which contain sugar- or other caloric foods, much effectiveness is reduced from the work done in the gym.
Just because you shouldn't eat before or after training doesn't mean you shouldn't eat. In fact, poor intake is another of the main problems that are often seen when trying to lose weight. A balanced diet should be followed, complete and adjusted to the needs of each one. On the other hand, water is essential to avoid dehydration. Staying hydrated during and after exercise is very important to prevent health problems that can be serious.
For those who want to gain muscle mass or tone up, who are not looking to lose weight, the story is different, since their nutritional needs are different. In this case, eating after training is necessary, but not just eating anything, rather we must opt for a set of foods that help us replenish our strength and improve the recovery of glycogen stores. This is especially necessary for those people who practice sports activities more than once a day.
In these cases, we must eat carbohydrates, since in the first session we will have exhausted the reserves that our body had. In any case, not all carbohydrates are equally effective, in the same way that not all foods will have the same effect on our body.
In the next section we will explain what are the best foods to eat after training, the most suitable to eat after playing sports.
The banana is a very interesting option for those who want to tone their muscles, since it combines different types of carbohydrates. The carbohydrate ratio of bananas is higher than that of other fruits, and it is also an excellent option both before and after exercising.
After having exercised, it is not only important to replenish the carbohydrates that we have consumed, but we must also consume proteins. To consume them, nothing beats the egg. Eggs are super versatile products, with a moderate caloric level, cheap and with a high biological value protein supply.
We must bear in mind that protein is basic for muscle mass and that, in addition, we lose it with age. That is why protein intake is so important among athletes who want muscle, but also for older people and, above all, women. Protein is not only essential after exercise, but we should include it in all meals.
This is another of the foods with a high amount of protein, but in addition to this, it also provides us with probiotics and calcium. The best way to consume them is accompanying them with carbohydrates, for example, some oatmeal. In this way we will get a perfect food to recover after training. Yogurts provide us with animal protein, which our body assimilates better than vegetable protein, something that adds another point to include it in our post-workout diet.
But not all yogurts are good or give us the same. The recommended ones are yogurts without added sugars and whole. The sugary ones have a very high amount of sugar, something that we must avoid, and the skimmed ones may not satisfy us and end up making us eat more. The best option is always the whole natural.
Legumes provide us with both carbohydrates and proteins, something that makes them a complete food to take after exercising. Perhaps the main problem is the way of eating them, since they are traditionally part of spoon dishes and we are not used to eating them as a snack. A simple and very effective solution that has been gaining popularity in recent years is to make it in the form of hummus, a kind of puree. In this way we can eat them comfortably, effectively and deliciously. A very effective dish at a nutritional level that, in addition, is very satiating and will prevent us from eating refined products.
Tuna is another of the perfect protein-rich foods to eat after training. In addition, if we combine it with rice, we will also add carbohydrates to our intake. One thing to keep in mind is that tuna is one of the fish that can have higher mercury levels, so, like any other food, it is not recommended to abuse it.
If we follow a healthy and balanced diet, with the recommended daily intakes and a complete nutritional intake, it is not necessary to take anything specifically before training. With 5 daily servings, it will never be long after the last meal, so our body will be in perfect condition to perform.
Even in morning workouts, if we have made a nutritious and nutritionally complete dinner, we can train with little or nothing in the body. Obviously, this depends on each person. There are those who feel better eating something before training and those who prefer not to, so, in the end, the sensations of each one should be the ones that prevail when deciding whether to eat something before training or not.